In september 2023, ESITC Paris will offer a joint Engineering-Architect degree with ENSA-Paris Val de Seine (École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris Val de Seine)



| ESITC Paris / ENSA - Paris Val de Seine double diploma in engineering and architecture

The 2 institutions have joined forces to create a unique 6-year post-baccalaureate course. The aim of this new course is to train future professionals in global project management skills (from design to completion), in line with the growing demand from companies in the sector


Specific features of the course

⇒ Teaching on 2 campuses
⇒ 11.5 months of work experience over 6 year
⇒ An international semester at a foreign university


An additional year is proposed to obtain the HMONP (habilitation to exercise project management in one's own name)
♦ ENSA-Paris Val de Seine registration fee : € 373
♦ Cost of the ESITC Paris 2022 / 2023 course : € 4,500 
♦ This new course is only accessible postbac via the Parcoursup procedure (wish submitted by ENSA-PVS)