ESITC Paris operates as a non-profit organization in accordance with the French law of July 1, 1901. Recognized by the French State, the school is authorized by the CTI (french engineering accreditation board) to confer engineering degrees. Its governance is overseen by a Board of Directors composed of qualified individuals and organizations. The institution is accountable to various internal and external supervisory bodies.
| France Compétences and the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications)
France Compétences serves as the national authority responsible for regulating and financing vocational training and apprenticeships in France. Among its key responsibilities is the management of the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), which lists qualifications and certifications recognized by the French State for their professional value.
For engineering schools, RNCP entries describe the professional qualifications and competencies acquired by graduates. These entries include detailed frameworks for activities, skills, and assessment criteria. Certifications are classified by levels and sectors of activity, structured into skill blocks, facilitating access to a wide range of professions such as project manager, production engineer, or design office engineer.
Each RNCP entry also outlines the various pathways to certification, including initial education, continuous education, or Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE). These entries ensure transparency regarding the value and recognition of the qualifications awarded by engineering schools.