As a non-profit organization operating under French law (July 1, 1901), ESITC Paris is governed by a Board of Directors that ensures the institution’s strategic and operational oversight.



|  Executive Members

▫︎ Mr. Bernard SALA, President – Deputy CEO, Responsible Development & Innovation, COLAS

▫︎ Mr. Jacques MARCEL, Vice President – Chairman of the Management Board, GCC Construction

▫︎ Mr. Jean-Pascal DUSART, Treasurer – Human Resources Director, VINCI CONSTRUCTION FRANCE

▫︎ Mr. Régis VALLÉE, Secretary General – Former Director of EIVP


| Board Members

Individual Representatives



Representatives from Federations, Unions, and Higher Education Institutions

▫︎ French Building Federation (FFB) : Mr. Bertrand LECLERE – President, LECLERE FILS & BEINEIX

▫︎ French National Federation of Public Works (FNTP) : Mr. Jérôme PERRIN – General Manager, RAZEL- BEC

▫︎ ROUTES DE FRANCE : Mr. Jean-Pierre PASERI – President

▫︎ ESTP (Higher Education Institution) : Mr. Joël CUNY – General Director


Corporate Representatives

▫︎ AMT France : Mr. Christian ACCORSI – President

▫︎ EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION : Mr. Philippe CONTENT – Deputy General Manager

▫︎ DELCOURT RAIL : Mr. Vincent CORRE – Deputy General Manager

▫︎ VINCI CONSTRUCTION FRANCE : Mr. Jean-Pascal DUSART – Human Resources Director

▫︎ GCC CONSTRUCTION : Mr. Jacques MARCEL – Chairman of the Management Board

▫︎ SPIE BATIGNOLLES : Mr. Olivier PRAVAZ – Deputy General Manager

▫︎ RAZEL-BEC (FAYAT group) : Mr. Jérôme PAVILLARD – Human Resources Director

▫︎ COLAS : Ms. Stéphanie MINNEBOIS – Technical Director for Research & Development

▫︎ BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION : Mr. Philippe VEREECKE – General Manager, Bouygues Construction Habitat Résidentiel


ESITC Paris Representatives

▫︎ ESITC PARIS ALUMNI : Mr. Ludovic POTRONAT – Engineer, ESITC Paris graduate, Class of 2015

▫︎ BDE ESITC PARIS : Ms. Elise HAMONIC – President, and an additional BDE representative from the apprenticeship program

▫︎ Faculty Representative : Mr. Pascal BODET – Chairman of the Advisory Board, Technical Director at EGF BTP, and Professor of Structural Mechanics

▫︎ Staff Representative : Ms. Sandrine FERRAND – Head of Communications


Honorary Members

▫︎ Mr. Guy DELCOURT, Honorary President – Founder, GROUPE DELCOURT, ETF, TRANSALP RENOUVELLEMENT, and President of 2G CONSEILS

▫︎ Mr. Michel GOSTOLI, Honorary Vice President – Former General Manager, EIFFAGE Construction

▫︎ Mr. Claude GAILLARD, Honorary Treasurer – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, GCC Construction

▫︎ Mr. Hervé FOMBARON, Honorary Director – Former Director of ESITC Cachan (1996–2014)

▫︎ Mr. Olivier AUCOUTURIER, Honorary Director – Former Director of ESITC Paris (2014–2023)




  • Conseil d’Administration